Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lack Of Motivation

Today's Wednesday, which means the week is halfway over and only one day of heavy classes and one light day separate me from the weekend. But I have more work due in the next two days than on the past three combined, and no motivation at all to get it done. Now that I have finally discovered what I want to do, I want to pour all of my energy and spare time into working towards my writing. I have lists of books to read and various story ideas to work on, but I can't because by the time I come back from classes, clean my apartment, study for class, do my homework, and take care of myself- wait, I don't even have the time to get all of those done, much less work towards my goal. If it wasn't for the tens of thousands of dollars in scholarships I've received that I'd have to pay back if I switched my major, then I would do so in a heart beat. My current field, though an interesting choice, doesn't fill me with the same passion I get from more of the humanities and lately I've found myself wondering why I'm even going to college to begin with. I love learning, but I just feel that life is too short for me to waste my time earning a degree in a subject I'm not passionate about instead reading all I want, writing all I can imagine, and traveling everywhere I long to. This may be a short-lived deviation from my interest in genetics, but it's hitting me hard. 

So what books am I reading right now? Well, I'm working on two. Generally I like to spend my time focusing on one book, but both of these captured my attention and I couldn't choose between them. 

I haven't made it far in this book, so I can't give any plot or character descriptions or insights into the book. I've seen this book on several lists claiming it as one of the best books from the 2000-2010 decade and happened to have picked it up several months ago at a used bookstore. I like it so far, and what especially stands out to me is the point of view the story is written in. When reading, it's as if the protagonist is engaging you in conversation and you're already aware of the things being discussed. I've never read a book with this style before and am finding it very interesting.

I'm also reading:


I came across this book as a suggestion from Amazon (thanks to my frequent online shopping habits) and was hooked instantly by the few available pages online. Delirium is in the young adult genre, meaning it should be an easy read, and it's the first in a trilogy by author Lauren Oliver. A trilogy that I'm eagerly anticipating. I hope to finish this soon and offer a review on it.

This post has been a successful attempt to postpone studying for my impending Biochem exam and going to the gym, but I suppose it's time to finally do what needs to be done. Or not. 


  1. Never Let Me Go is next on my list of must-reads! I haven't read an Ishiguro book since "Remains of the Day" back in the 90s, but that one remains firmly entrenched as one of my favorite novels of all time.

  2. It's really good so far! I definitely recommend it! I haven't checked out any of Ishiguro's other works yet, but I will for sure when I've finished my current lot of books.
