Sunday, November 14, 2010

Really Behind...: Daily Day-Lifters

Since I'm in a fairly bad mood, and my brain is so fried that I doubt I could come up with anything witty or creative, my post tonight might reflect my uncharacteristically pessimistic views. But, instead of posting what I would love to, a list of my annoyances or things I hate, I will instead try to uplift myself by posting about small, daily things that just contribute to a great day in my opinion.

The Smell of Coffee

Curling Up on the Couch

When a Cat Curls Up in My Lap

The Changing Colors of Leaves

Being With, or Talking to, Good Friends

Listening to a Favorite Song 

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Running Behind Again: Personality Traits and "Flaws"

I don't remember what I initially wanted to post about for this night. But at this point in time, I don't really care. I'm really behind and working on catching up. I would like to use this post to talk about a few of my personality traits which, to some may be considered flaws, but they're who I am and I have no intention of changing them to please others. If and when I decide to improve on them, it will be of my own choosing.


I have, literally, no trust. Not for my family, not for my friends, and not for new acquaintances. This is one trait that I would love to change. However, time and time again I've been stabbed in the back, and the more I try to trust the more I get hurt. At this point in my life, for my health and sanity, I've found it's much easier on myself to just not trust people and always assume the worst. It keeps me from getting hurt and I'm not disappointed in people. I can't stand it when people preach that I should embrace forgiveness and not to assume the worst because that's not going to change anything. I've been stabbed in the back, multiple times, by my father, by other family, and by various best friends who were close enough for me to consider family. It always occurs when I try to change and start trusting people a little more and let my defenses down. I'm eagerly waiting for people to prove me wrong about humanity in general. And I do have a very select few people that I trust for the most part. But, in general, I just have an extremely hard time opening myself to others. These past three days have only reinforced this belief in myself and it will be a great deal of time before I try to work on this again.


In college, and in life, stress is a daily occurrence we have to learn to manage. I generally tend to do very well with coping with stress. During my life's most stressful events, excluding recent ones, I never had a breakdown. When my parents separated, I noticed that I lost my appetite. Until then, I had never had a reaction to stress which affected my physical health. I finally fought against the anorexia which consumed me after my parent's separation and have been doing fairly well until recently. I'm not the type of person who likes to talk out my feelings, I do much better by bottling things up. So when I'm forced to be open, I tend to get shaky. Never in my life until this past Sunday had I had a panic attack and nothing in my life has scared me as much. I don't know what caused me to react in such a violent way, but for 40 minutes I was sure I was going to die. From nausea, to my arms and legs going numb, to hyperventilating, I lost complete control of my body and I have never been more embarrassed or scared of anything. However, I wrote it off as nothing, a freak occurrence, that would never happen again. I was wrong. Today, after several things going wrong all at once, I had another, although less violent, attack. This one was much shorter in duration, but I feel much more drained. I feel like I should probably go to get anxiety medication now because I'm in constant fear of another attack. I would love for this particular reaction to change, along with my loss of appetite that tends to lead me toward anorexia, however, I do not intend to work on my "bottling" of emotions because that's what works best for me.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday Favorites #2

It's time for my second installment of Friday Favorites. Because my readers have not given me any topics to work with, and I have no theme yet, I will be coming up with random favorites yet again (*hint*). This past week was one where, although I had plenty I could have done, I ended up not really doing much of anything. In fact, since Halloween weekend I've been kind of in a slump and haven't really been out much. My wallet is quite grateful, but it leaves me with very little to talk about.

My Favorite Thing to Wear

Source 1                                                                 Source 2

Dresses are, above and by far, my favorite article of clothing to wear. They come in such a variety of cuts, shapes, styles, and colors and can be appropriate for any occasion. High-waisted dresses, such as the two pictured above, are my current favorite style. They elongate the torso, perfect for short girls like myself, and enhance the chest. I also love the variety of shoes that can be worn with dresses. Depending on the type of dress and where it will be worn, heels, tennis shoes, flats, sandals, and even going barefoot are all legitimate options. Dresses are, in my personal opinion, the most flattering and feminine thing a girl can wear. Many of a girl's most life-changing events generally require, by most social standards, that a girl be wearing a dress, such as prom or a wedding. Although I have been to neither prom nor a wedding, I still enjoy wearing dresses to class, clubs, or simply around the apartment. Nothing makes me feel as simultaneously comfortable and pretty as a good dress does.

My Favorite Thing to do to My Bedroom When I'm Bored

Re-decorate and re-arrange the furniture in my bedroom! I've already arranged my apartment bedroom four different ways, and each time I continue to form new ideas. If only I had the funds to keep up with my mind, I'd have a most amazing bedroom. Since I don't have as much to say about this, I'll post pictures of bedrooms I can only hope to have one day.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Infected with Bibliophilia

I think it's safe for me to describe myself as being a bibliophile. I currently have two bookshelves which are completely full of books, most of which I've read, and I still have hundreds of others currently sitting in my wish list on Amazon and neither the money to spend on them, the time to read them, or the space to store them. Not until recently did I learn how to properly store books, keeping them out of sunlight, and how to always search for a first edition or first printing. While most of my books that I had bought in the past are still nice books, as a collector they're not worth anything. I'd love to replace them with a better version of themselves but will have to wait until I'm no longer a college student and actually earning a living. Until then, I'll have to make sure to do better with my future books.

I had some time today that I decided would be best spent by actually finishing a book for the first time since I've entered college and it was well worth it. Any book which can move me emotionally I feel is worth the investment. This one was even more worth it, because I got such a good deal. I found this book in the Dollar Store and got it for slightly less than $1. Even though the foreshadowing was so strong and evident I figured out the major plot twists before they happened, I still found myself crying as the book ended. It got me thinking about death and how I'm going to deal with it when those around me die. As my grandparents get older and their health declines, I try to suppress the fact that I'm going to one day come home and them not be there. My pets too. I have nearly ten cats back home. Of those ten, Bubba is almost 15 years old and the "kittens": Tiger, Molly, Pumpkin, and Midnight, are all almost 12 years old. I hate to acknowledge the fact that these beloved friends who have been members of my family for the majority of my life will soon be leaving me. It's something that sends me to tears just thinking about it.

And as much as I will miss my beloved friends, I have plenty of others to keep me occupied. Though they will never be replaced, I now have Sebastian with me at college and try to devote as much time as possible to making that kitten feel happy and loved. Sebastian was a stray kitten my grandmother found and is one of the most unique cats I've ever had. The first, and most notable, characteristic about Sebastian is his crossed eye. I thought he was sick at first but found out he's fine, he just happens to have a crossed eye. I think it must be genetic too, because his sister also has a crossed eye. The second thing about Sebastian is he abuses me. I've never had a kitten get so much pleasure from shredding my arms and legs to bloody stubs. I feel like I'm always walking into class with a raw wound from defending myself as I go to leave. I think this is partially because Sebastian has been confined to my bedroom, due to unreasonable roommates. I signed a lease for a pet friendly apartment and yet I've had many fights about having Sebastian there. Ashleigh and I moved in first, we knew one of us would have a cat, and told my roommates. Apparently, like Ashleigh says frequently, we must be invisible because they claimed to have never been told that. Although I appreciate the fact that they have to look out for themselves and their health, that's not my concern. My most important job is to provide Sebastian with the loving and nurturing environment he needs as a kitten because I hope to have him for at least 15 more years.

Meet Sebastian! And my terrible glasses which don't have anti-glare...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Procrastination Is Setting In

As much as I try to improve on my bad habits, procrastinating is one I think will stick with me for my entire life. There are times when I have a better handle on it than others. Those are my favorite times. My life is in much more order, and I tend to be in an overall better mood. My room is clean, my homework done, I might even be ahead in a few classes. My planner is up to date, my to-do list is complete. Then, there are days like today. I waited until after 11:00, yet again, to begin this post. I have yet to start any of my homework. My bedroom looks like it's been attacked by Sebastian, though that is partly true, and my planner is barren while my to-do list is staggering. And yet, I still sit here and put it off. I have no reason for why I do this, and I don't like it.

My favorite season is fall. There's something about coming back to campus, buying new school materials, opening my textbooks for the first time, taking my first class's notes, and breaking in my new pencils that I just love. The beginning of the fall semester is my most productive time of year. However, after Daylight Savings Time, as the amount of sunlight in the day begins to decline, so does my energy and activity. This year I managed to last a little longer before being affected; however, now I am feeling it. I am determined to fight it this year. Over the past few years since I've realized that I get like this, I have noticed certain activities that help me feel better. What makes me feel best is keeping myself busy. The busier I am, the more productive and cheerful I am. Making sure I get several hours of sunlight also helps. 

Luckily, there are several days scattered throughout the next few months that are sure to keep my spirits elevated. Thanksgiving, my grandfather's birthday, Christmas, New Years, and the last day of exams will all provide me with enough life to make it through yet another winter. I can't wait for the first snow of the year. Although I hate cold weather, if it's going to be cold I'd prefer it to snow. Last year we got more snow than usual, but with me as sick as I was I didn't get to enjoy it like I wanted to. It's my hope for this winter that we get a decent amount of snow here in Raleigh for me to enjoy.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

One Week Down

This post, while, like my last post, isn't much due to my immersion in Sims 3, is my 7th which means I've successfully kept up my promise to post everyday for one week now. Granted, my procrastinating habits and writer's block have got the best of me and sometimes it will take me three hours to come up with a topic or I'll wait, as I did tonight, until after 11:00 to get started. However, I feel that this is progress. Writing my blog, unlike studying or working out, is one promise I've kept to myself. Maybe I'll use this blog to help me control my study and gym habits by promising to blog about my lack of doing so and admitting defeat publicly.

Today is also important for me because in exactly one week my mom will undergo surgery to remove a tumor. Not only am I incredibly worried about her, but I discovered that my grandmother had a tumor of the same kind and they're fairly positive that genetics play a huge role. With my luck, I've inherited it and, in about twenty years, I'll be undergoing the same surgery. However, I will say that I am incredibly grateful for the fact that the tumor is benign and no complications are expected. I'm grateful that my mother has a boyfriend who is willing to help her through the recovery. I'm grateful my grandparents, no matter what they may be going through, are still there for me, my siblings, and my mother. I'm grateful that my pets are taken care of and always waiting for me when I return. Which is why I am both excited and reluctant to go home next Monday and Tuesday. I'm so glad I'll get to see all of my family, friends, and pets, but I'm not looking forward to seeing how they've changed. As my grandparents and pets age, I have begun to accept the fact that the end of our time together is quickly approaching and that realization is no more apparent to me than when I come home after being away at NCSU for several months. This will be my second visit home of the semester, which, for me, is very odd. Last year I went home nearly every weekend. However, with more classwork and an apartment to take care of and enjoy, I haven't found myself going home as much.

All of that being said, I can't wait to go with Megan and Olivia to Tokyo Diner, gorge on a hibachi chicken, and fall asleep with my Tiger.

Monday, November 8, 2010

A Day Lost in Time

So today's most will not consist of much due to the fact that, after waiting over 24 hours for it to download, I have spent my free time today enjoying The Sims 3 & The Sims 3: Ambitions expansion pack. I knew I would give in eventually and I'm glad I did. The majority of my play time is in the legacy challenge format, and I'll probably put heir polls or updates on here from time to time.

I really prefer the Ambitions expansion pack over the World Adventures, simply because it's less loading time and I love having more career options. 

My advisor finally responded to my e-mail I sent a week ago, so it's confirmed now that I will be committing suicide and taking 19 credits next semester. My courses will be Calc II, English, Japanese, Biochemistry, and Biology. If this blog seems to die and I go missing for a long time with no leads, you know why. However, I tend to perform better the busier I am so hopefully this stays true.

And, as a final note, I found it quite ironic after yesterday's post chronicling my various health dilemmas last year, that I am now losing my voice today after not being sick since last semester.  I hope this isn't the start of more problems.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Life in the Dorms: Health

At lack of a better topic, or one that semi-relates to anything that's currently going on in my life now, I have decided to talk about my personal experience living in the dorms last year, this time focusing on health. As many know, my health has never been great, but I've always been able to recover fairly well. Last year, however, I nearly gave up in defeat. For some reason, I was never able to get a handle on my health and spent the better part of the year on medication or at the Student Health Center (SHC).

My first semester at NCSU was going great...for about a week and a half that is. I lived at University Towers last year, and although many love this "party dorm", it wasn't for me, for many reasons other than my bad health. The day after the well-known University Towers Foam Party, I was taking a nap and woke to discover I had several red, sore spots on my hip. Brushing it aside as just an indention formed while I slept funny, I went back to sleep. The next morning, I had several new red, swollen sores and the originals I had were now swollen and bruised and so painful I could hardly walk. However, I continued to brush it aside, threw on a skirt, and hobbled to class. About halfway through my 2 1/2 hour class, I could tell I had a fever. When I returned from class, my roommate Allie helped me to the SHC where the evening nurse examined my sores and took my temperature. After her examination and realization that my fever was 104+ degrees, she pulled out a map to the hospital and recommended I take medicine as soon as possible. After having my leg examined the next day, it was determined to be spider bites, most likely a brown recluse, which was biting in response to being pressed between my pants and leg. I hate needles with a passion, as well as the veiny parts of my body, and I was in so much pain I willingly let the doctors test my blood count levels to determine what was going on.

Not even a month later, a week after going to the beach with Allie, I contracted the H1N1 flu. Although I had already had this strain before, I suppose my immune system was weak because of the spider, and I spent several miserable days in bed. I had to get more blood tests done and more medicine.

Other than an occasional runny nose or cough, the next few months passed without much to tell. However, in January...or possibly February, I got sick again. Allie had the flu, so the doctors and I assumed that was what is was as well. She went home on a Monday, I stuck around until Thursday and was feeling slightly better so I decided to go home for the weekend. I was well enough to make the four hour drive and still felt fine. The next morning, I woke up with a 104 fever and felt worse than before. On top of that, a big snowstorm was coming in and my house is so far from the hospital, my mom felt it was best to bring me back to NCSU where I would be closer to medical attention. Upon getting back, I go to the health center yet again where I have been made a high priority case and have more blood work done and even some chest x-rays taken. My results are uncertain, definitely not the flu, and most likely viral meningitis. Viral meningitis, unlike the bacterial strain, cannot be prevented with a vaccine. I was lucky though that the viral strain is less likely to be fatal.

Eventually I recovered, after more medication, but things quickly got worse. Spring allergies hit harder and earlier than in previous years because of all the snow last winter. My allergies were so bad, my eyes would swell shut on the way to class. Allergies are a trigger to my asthma, which came back with a violent force, and I was living off of anti-histamines and my inhaler.

As the end of April came, my allergies were finally getting under control and I decided to go play tennis with Allie and my suitemate, Nikki. Everything was going fine, until I jumped for the ball. I came down wrong and my ankle cracked as it caved inward. I've had several sprains in my life, so initially I thought this would be fine. I was wrong. Allie carried me back to the dorm and helped me to our 6th floor room. Even after icing and elevating, my ankle was the size of a tennis ball and I eventually fell asleep to get rid of the pain. The next day Allie and Nikki helped me hobble to the SHC yet again, where I was put in a wheelchair and had even more x-rays taken. Although it wasn't broken, it was deemed a level 9 sprain, which is worse than a break and takes longer to recover. The bruising and swelling still aren't gone, although some days are better than others. I have yet to regain full movement, and have recently had to start wearing the brace again for more support.

The grand total of my health expenses from last year is well over $1000. I hope no other freshman ever has to endure the same poor health I did.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

My Past (and Current) Video Game Obsessions

I'll admit that I have several "geeky" or "nerdy" habits. However, I don't really care for labels and actively enjoy them. One habit I developed first as a tomboy in 3rd grade that I continue to go through spells of is my love of video gaming. Although I don't own a massive collection, in fact, I hardly own any after going through a spell this summer where I sold off most, the ones I do own have remained my favorites for years. I can loose myself in a game for hours upon hours, never getting bored, and forgetting the world around me. That's partly why I chose to sell my games; I knew this semester I would have a heavier courseload than in previous semesters and I wanted to give schoolwork my full attention. However, I am now regretting my decision and currently very close to splurging on repurchasing some favorites. Over the years, I have had 3 games which I would go so far as to call an "obsession".

1st Obsession:

Yes, I was a Pokemon fanatic as a child. From the cards, to the toys given out at Burger King, to the video games, I had it all. Pokemon Blue was my first video game ever, and therefore, my first obsession. Blue introduced me to the legendary Pokemon series and I've been an avid fan ever since. I got the game as a reward for making straight A's in 3rd grade, but then had to wait to buy a Gameboy to play it on. I also got a Nintendo 64 and Pokemon Stadium. The entire summer after my 3rd grade, my siblings and I did little more than play video games. My cousins who would visit also shared our love, and whenever we got to see each other, the five of us would sit down and write detailed descriptions of our own version of the game, from the new Pokemon, to the new cities and towns. Although we don't share the same fantasies of creating our own games, we still, as college students, eagerly anticipate the new games and buy the new releases only to disappear to the world for the next week as we hurriedly defeat the game. 

2nd Obsession:

I'm not quite sure the first time I bought a version of this game, but I'm fairly certain it was around my last year of middle school or my first in high school, and it was for the Nintendo Gamecube. It may seem odd for me to have such a love of a game which is centered around farming, seeing as I was raised on a farm and have wanted to escape to the city for my entire life. However, the farm I lived on was agricultural and the aspect of the game I loved most was the ranching. Nothing made me happier than to breed a cow and then raise the calf. I took such pride in earning more hearts with my animals. I no longer have any Harvest Moon games, they were among the first to go in  my sales this summer; however, now that Ashleigh is able to connect her Gamecube and Playstation to the second television set, I plan on re-acquiring several of this series as soon as possible.

3rd, Most Current, Obsession:

The Sims has set the standards for God-style gameplay. I had always wanted to try this game, and after receiving The Urbz with my Nintendo DS for Christmas in 2005, I decided to give it more research. Finally, after Christmas in 2006, I took my money and purchased The Sims 2 along with the Open for Business and Pets expansion packs. After spending many sleepless nights in front of my computer screen, begging for carpel tunnel, watching the loading screen, and perfecting my legacy gameplay, I eventually made the decision to sell all my Sims 2 and Sims 3 belongings. However, just like with Harvest Moon, it was a decision soon regretted. Even as I sit here, typing this entry, I have another window open with Amazon pulled up and The Sims 3 direct download tempting me. I'm going to give in. As much as I've fought it these past months, and as much as I realize that I have many things I should be saving my money for, there's a certain joy that comes from watching your Sim grow, live, have a family, and eventually pass on, only to continue the story with a child you helped grow. Eerily similar to life, however, much easier to control and if you mess up, it's easily fixed with a simple cheat.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday Favorites #1

For the time being, and with no other ideas springing to mind, I'm going to establish a weekly topic of Friday Favorites. With this topic being broad, each week's post will likely be very different from the previous week's. From my favorites in general, to specific favorites from the previous week, to even momentary favorites I come up with spontaneously while writing, all will be included. As my favorites change, I may post an updated version of a favorite I had covered before. Usually I'll try to include a theme, but as the decision to create this was a spontaneous and unplanned one, which is very unusual  for me, this post has no unifying concept. I just hope it allows you, the reader, to get to know me and my interests a little better.

My Favorite Purchase of the Week

The Story of Saiunkoku by Yukino Sai. I have been waiting for this manga to be released since I fell in love with the anime in June 2010. The story is so detailed, the characters so developed, and the graphics so beautiful that I marathoned the entire 39 episodes of the 1st season, which is currently the only season released in the United States, over the course of two days. For those unfamiliar with this series, the setting is a world resembling ancient China. Shurei Hong (or Kou Shuurei depending on the translation) is of noble birth, however, because she is a woman is unable to work as a civil servant. However, when the Emperor Ryuki refuses to do his job, Shurei is asked to enter the imperial palace as a royal consort and encourage Ryuki to work. The story soon takes a turn from this intial description as many secondary characters are introduced and other areas of the Saiunkoku world explored, but Shurei's dreams and Ryuki's love of Shurei are always among the central themes. Although it's one of my personal favorites, this story or anime isn't for everybody though. I only recommend it to those who love romance, historical, fantasy oriented manga/anime. 

My Favorite Actress

Ever since I fell off my bed laughing at her epic portrayal of a "mean girl", Rachel McAdams has held the position of my favorite actress. From being the "queen bee", to the wife of a man who spontaneously travels through time, McAdams gives her character a sense of realism. Regardless of the unrealistic events occurring in the movie, the emotions and behavior McAdams expresses are on target and I always find myself crying or laughing along with her. Just knowing that she's cast in a movie is enough to make me see it. Which is why I can't wait for Morning Glory to be released a week from today, November 12th, 2010. I'm not quite sure what it's about but if McAdams is in it then I'm sure I won't hate it. Whether or not you're a McAdams fan, these movies are all wonderful: Mean Girls, The Wedding Crashers, The Notebook, and The Time Traveler's Wife

My Favorite Food to Cook When I Don't Want a Full Meal

What do I do for a quick study snack? Grilled cheese. A quick dinner when I don't know what else to eat? Grilled cheese. My bread and cheese expire tomorrow? Grilled cheese. No matter the circumstances, a grilled cheese is always appropriate to eat. I, having relied on my family for cooking, never really learned to make a grilled cheese until these past few months. Sometimes I'll be generous enough to grace my roommate and guests with one of my special grilled cheese sandwiches. I have to admit, I don't do anything special. However, they just seem to come out better than many I've tried before. For those of you interested, or those of you who don't know how to make one, the following is my "recipe" for a grilled cheese.


2 Slices of bread (I prefer Nature's Own Butter Bread)
2 Slices of sliced American Cheese 
Non-Stick Spray (for an extra kick, and what I use, get a butter flavored brand)


Spray a frying pan with the non-stick spray and turn on one of the burners on the oven. While the burner is heating, butter one side of each of the pieces of bread. Place the bread, buttered side down, into the frying pan. On the non-buttered side on top. place a slice of cheese on each piece of bread. Place the frying pan on the burner. As it heats and the cheese begins to melt, flip one slice of bread onto the other, with both sides with the cheese touching. Continue flipping the sandwich until each side is the desired level of golden brown. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

5 Things I Love About Rainy Days

As I was sitting here on my couch, struggling to come up with a topic for today's post, I closed my eyes to clear my mind as I attempted to draw inspiration. Then, my ears just barely caught the faint pitter-patter of the rain outside being drowned out by whatever sit-com re-run happened to be on the television. Perfect! Rainy days, although they present some complications, are among my favorite type of day, for many reasons.

1. Cute Umbrellas

Rainy days, although they may seem dull, monotone, or drab, can be given a splash of life through a boldly colored or patterned umbrella. There's such a variety of colors, patterns, and designs of umbrella available that you never have to feel obligated to tote around a plain black generic print, which is sadly the only kind I possess at the moment. I love the bubble style umbrella, which is quite popular in Japan, and the pagoda style umbrella, which has a very feminine and dainty feel to it. A few that I'm currently in love with are the Luxury White Pagoda, the Tiffany - Dragonfly, the Gerbera, and the Tiffany - Butterfly.

2. Hot Beverages

Nothing quite warms me up on a cold, rainy day like a nice, warm beverage. And outside of snowy days, which are infrequent here in the South, a cold rainy day is the best time indulge in one of these decadent beverages. Although some may enjoy a hot tea, there is no better choice than a hot chocolate or coffee. I'm not sure whether it's the taste of the sweet, warm liquid, the mouth-watering aroma that fills the apartment, or the warmth of the mug in my hand which I enjoy most. The best hot chocolate I've ever had was Seattle's Best Coffee's Chocolate Trio. My taste buds were overwhelmed by the sensation that it is. I brew my own coffee at the apartment most of the time, and my two favorites to use are Dunkin' Donuts French Vanilla and Folgers Gourmet Coffee Caramel Drizzle. Aside from  my own love of these two blends, I have converted two friends who swore they would never like coffee into addicts who rely on a cup through these two blends. Be warned though, I like my coffee incredibly sweet so these flavors aren't for those who prefer a bitter cup.

3. Loose Dresses & Cardigans

This is my go-to outfit for a rainy day. There's enough to worry about on a rainy day (keeping dry, not slipping on wet leaves) that a comfortable, but cute, outfit is a must. For me, it doesn't get much comfortable than a loose dress that is form-fitting in the right spots to give shape. Since the weather has gotten nippy, a layered cardigan over the dress keeps you warm while pulling the outfit together. Other accessories that I like to include are a large belt cinched over the cardigan and dress, rain boots, and leggings if it's cold enough.

4. Curling Up with a Good Book

While sipping my coffee, the best accessory is a good book to loose myself in. Now that I'm in college, I hardly have the time to do my mandatory readings for class, much less any reading for myself. However, that all changes on a rainy day. I search my bookshelves for a book that speaks to me, either through the title or the cover, and loose myself in another world. I'm an avid reader with tastes ranging from classics to historical fiction to young adult to manga. Currently, I'm reading Ann Brashares' The Last Summer (of You and Me). I picked it up for $1 at the Dollar Store near my apartment, and I'm quite pleased with my purchase. 

5.  Watching a Chick Flick

As a woman and self-described girly-girl, I feel no shame in admitting my love for chick flicks. I am not denying the unrealistic portrayals of love and romance in most of these films, however, the good feeling you get from watching them, laughing and crying and indulging in being a woman, are worth the disillusionment we face after we plunge ourselves into for the duration of the films. My personal favorites include The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, Pride & Prejudice, He's Just Not That Into You, The Holiday, Legally Blonde, and The Time Traveler's Wife. While not all of these are definite chick flicks, they are more romance oriented than most men prefer. 

On another unrelated note, last night I made a dream-catcher with my roommate, Ashleigh. Being the lover of learning I am, I was really fascinated by the culture behind these decorations. According to the Ojibwa, the dream-catcher will allow good dreams to pass through while catching bad dreams. The good dreams will then slide down the feathers and into the sleeper. While I love arts and crafts, I was never encouraged to participate in them as a child and I'm not very good. Nonetheless, I had fun and enjoyed the learning experience. My dream-catcher is purple with pink and white feathers and blue, purple, pink, and white beads. Instead of posting my embarrassing attempt at being creative online (which would require me to have a working camera), instead, enjoy this one:

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Brief Overview of My Goals for this Blog

Starting a blog has always been something I've wanted to do and I finally got the inspiration to do so after four friends started their own. I have several goals for establishing this blog, and although I doubt I'll ever achieve them all, I feel it is necessary for me to outline the ones that I can remember in this initial post.

Firstly, I'd like to enhance my writing abilities. I've always been fond of writing, and like most people, I desire to publish my own novel someday. I feel that by writing, in any form, can only help improve and inspire me to eventually accomplish that goal. I haven't had an English class since high school, although next semester I will be enrolled in the mandatory English 101 at NCSU, and I hope that this helps me to solidify my grasp on concepts that seem to evade me, such as grammar and punctuation. 

Secondly, I would like to connect, with both friends and complete strangers around the globe. I feel that by sharing my ideas with others, and then receiving and learning from their feedback, I can grow as an individual and learn to view ideas from multiple perspectives. I also feel that I have a unique viewpoint on some topics and hobbies which I would like to share with others.

Lastly, I am dedicated to being a lifetime learner and feel that I can explore a variety of topics through this blog. I hope to research and get hands on experience in a variety of areas which I've always found interesting and then share these experiences with my readers.

While the above is not a comprehensive description of my goals concerning this blog, I feel that the above goals are the most important to me. I have a few ideas for this blog, which will motivate me to keep to a regular posting schedule, such as weekly specials; however, I have yet to make a definite decision. For this first month of blogging, as a personal challenge to myself and in an effort to make this blog a regular part of my life, I will be posting at least once a day, regardless of how uninspired I feel. I hope this challenge helps me to grow as a writer and to learn to overcome writer's block.

I would like to both thank and apologize to those who actually took the time to read this post in it's entirety. I realize that an introductory post, while obligatory, is usually redundant of other blogs. I also apologize for my tone. I have yet to develop a conversational tone, although it is something I hope to achieve through this blog.

I look forward to seeing where this blog takes me!